Air Limba and Air Koto Naturals
Speed: OFF-
Weight: 86g ±4
Plies: 7W
The strenght of AirOS blades has always been choosing good woods. Now the natural beauty is on display. We use a more expensive cut of wood for the handles rather than stained layers, and avoid the bad paint jobs. More importaintly, this wood absorbs and evaporates sweat better than stained blades, and to me feels less slick, especially over time.
Between the 5 and 7 ply, the 7 plays a little stiffer and perhaps slightly faster but softer. The 5ply has a brighter tone and is a little more flexible, while the 7ply has a lower tone and feels more stable. Koto is generally harder with a crisper, higher tone. Limba is softer and gives more topspin.
"Air Touch V7 Koto
Speed: Air V7(Off-)
Weight: ~88
Plies: 5W
Introducing a new AirOS wood series made from stained Koto. In addition to the new look, the V series blades are thinner (for flex) and a little softer than their regular counterparts. Like the other Air wood blades, the 7ply actually has a little softer feel.
"Air Touch '01"
Speed: Touch01 (ALL+)
Weight: ~82
Plies: 5W
This is the best incarnation of touch01 that I've carried. Soft and controlled, but stiff enough to be stable and have some ability to hit. I'm really happy with how this plays, especially for the market niche it occupies. Keep the ball on the table but still hit winners when you want to. Handles are thicker than some at this price point.